Elmwood Cemetery Logo

elmwood cemetery gatehouse fallOur Mission: To preserve the history and educational significance of Elmwood Cemetery and those laid to rest in the cemetery; and to develop social, cultural, and educational programs to benefit the community.

Historic Elmwood Foundation Board of Directors:

James Deutchman
Interim President & Vice President
John S. Snyder
Reverend Steven J. Kelly
Elizabeth Thurber Crawford
Susan Hendrie Rohde

Joan Frear Capuano
Executive Director

The heritage that our Foundation is conserving will not be lost to future generations; rather, they will be able to experience and understand the historical significance of the governors, explorers, doctors, mayors, inventors, senators, civil rights leaders, distillers, brewmasters, civil war generals and others who played a part in shaping our city. In addition, they will be able to experience the original topography of Detroit before it was flattened for development, our arboretum, and our unique historic memorials and grounds.

Each January the Board of the Foundation meets to set our agenda for the New Year. We determine commitment levels for community outreach, events, education, and restoration. Our focused approach and your generous donations have enabled us to achieve great progress with our grounds and gardens restoration, preservation of our buildings, and development of enriching events and educational materials that make historic Elmwood Cemetery such a relevant place in today's Detroit.

We have a strong skilled work force that anticipates the restoration needs and helps us to meet them in a cost effective manner. Our management team has continued to exceed expectations in growing our business; and our Trustees have worked diligently to ensure the needs of the Cemetery will be cared for in perpetuity by thoughtful management of the Cemetery’s investment account.

Now, we are looking to prepare the Historic Elmwood Foundation to operate in perpetuity and have established an endowment fund. This will ensure that the Foundation will be self-sustaining in the long term and be able to continue to bring unique community events that share the story of Elmwood and preserve the haven enjoyed by school children, academic and special interest groups, as well as the greater Detroit community. Together we can achieve our common goal of a restored Elmwood Cemetery that is relevant and accessible to future generations.

As a valued friend of Elmwood Cemetery, many have been part of our successful efforts to restore the buildings and grounds. We are grateful for your past support and hope that you will continue to include Elmwood in your charitable choices.