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Charles Tripler was born in New York in 1806. He graduated from medical school at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York City in 1838 and immediately entered the Army as Assistant Surgeon. In July of the same year, he was promoted to the full rank of Surgeon. During the first years of his practice, he was stationed at various posts within the State of Michigan. In the Mexican War, he was the Medical Director of the Division commanded by General Twiggs.

After the war, he was posted to duty at various points throughout the West. In 1861, Dr. Tripler was first appointed Medical Director of General Patterson’s Army in the Shenandoah Valley. Then, upon General McClellan’s assuming command of the Army of the Potomac, Dr. Tripler was made Medical Director and he organized the medical service in that Department. After the Battles of the Peninsula, he was appointed to duty in Michigan and soon was brevetted Colonel for meritorious service. He was appointed Chief Medical Officer of the Department of the Ohio and brevetted Brigadier General.

During the last years of his life, Dr. Tripler and his family resided in Detroit. He was the surgeon at Fort Wayne as well as Harper and St. Mary’s Hospitals. Tripler represented the Army at meetings of the American Medical Association of which he was a Vice President. He was a published author of four medical texts for Army surgeons and numerous articles on medical practice. Dr. Tripler died in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1866 leaving a wife and one daughter.

Born: January 16, 1806
Died: October 20, 1866
Buried: Section B, Lot 31